Sage 200 reporting

Sage 200 (now known as Sage 200cloud) reporting options include: the wide range of reports supplied as standard; the Sage report designer; and Sage 200 Excel Reporting (Sage 200 2015 and later versions only). The most flexible option, however, is to connect directly to the underlying SQL Server data using tools such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power BI or SQL Server Reporting Services.

Advantages of direct connections include:

Disadvantages include:

Former Sage Line 100 users may have used the Sage supplied odbc driver for reporting in Microsoft Excel and Access.  While this was a real solution to the problem of getting Sage Line 100 data into industry standard reporting tools, it undoubtedly had limitations and frustrations.  The experience with Sage 200 is much improved, so don’t let Sage Line 100 related reservations put you off.

Microsoft Excel 2007 (and later versions) can link to Sage 200 data in SQL Server directly.  This avoids the need to install and maintain “odbc dsn” on each computer
for each Sage 200 company, a significant improvement compared to using Query Editor to get data into Excel as was necessary previously..  We’ve written an article that explains how to produce an Excel 2007 pivot table aged debt report linked directly to the sales ledgers of two Sage companies.  Click here to read more.

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