Sage MMS

Sage MMS is now known as Sage 200cloud click here for current details.

Sage MMS is the successor to Sage Line 100.  It was introduced in 2003, but it was with the launch of v3 in 2005 that it gained wide acceptance.  Renamed Sage 200 in March 2007 it is now the cornerstone of Sage’s product offer to medium sized companies in the UK.

We strongly advise users of v1 or v2 of Sage MMS to consider upgrading to the current or a recent version of Sage 200, because Sage 200’s technology means that it is much more robust.

Users of MMS v3.x should consider upgrading even if the new features aren’t sufficient incentive, because of the desirability of using a version which is being actively maintained by Sage.

Protronics understands the need to offer long term support for Sage products, however.  Consequently we intend to continue to offer support for all versions of Sage MMS in the Yorkshire, London and Oxfordshire for the foreseeable future.

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